TourGuideBenamar' Covid-19 Response

At, we will always put health and safety first. With the Covid-19 outbreak, it has become essential to take consistent, prudent, and deliberate measures to ensure a safer touring environment for all. 

I (Tour Guide Benamar ) and all the guides who work with me, expect every traveler to act responsibly to protect their health and safety, that of their companions, and the broader communities in which they live, work, and travel. 

The following guidelines describe the best practices we expect from travelers and from ourselves (the guides) to prioritize health and safety during the VIDOC-19 outbreak.

  • Do not go on tour if you, or someone you have been in contact with, are ill or have symptoms of COVID-19 (such as cough, fever, shortness of breath). Travelers can take advantage of our flexible cancellation policy if they need to cancel their trip at the last minute.
  • Avoid physical contact between the guide and the traveler; no hugs or handshakes at this time.
  • Vehicles will always be disinfected (interior and door handle) before and after each visit.
  • Hand sanitizer, spare masks, and wipes will be available at all times.
  • Wear masks in confined spaces such as vehicles or museums.
  • Please follow local health and safety regulations and notices that the guide will inform you about.
  • Report any concerns immediately to

We also expect travelers to continue to adopt the “new normal practices” that we are all used to Coughing or sneezing only with your elbow closed; Avoiding sharing objects; Maintaining a physical distance between you and people outside your family/friends circle, washing/cleaning your hands frequently at every opportunity during the visit, and of course we too will respect all of these standards and will also make sure to orient you during the visit.

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